Monday, July 19, 2010

Islamophobia Sweeps Europe

In international news, a new Dutch political party called PVV, or Party for Freedom, is trying to eradicate Islam and Islamic influence in contemporary society. This is creating fervor because the Muslim religion is a peaceful one, and just because there is a fundamentalist sect of that religion doesn't mean that Muslims should be discriminated against, or not allowed to practice their faith. Just because a Muslim woman covers herself with a burqah for respect for her husband doesn't mean that she is hiding a bomb beneath her robe, and who is the higher authority to tell her that she shouldn't be able to wear that. Apparently European governments are the authority, as the Netherlands, France, and possibly Spain will be outlawing the wearing of the burquah in public spaces. "Islamophobia" is an unfounded and racist measure, and with the PVV chairman Geert Wilders promising to export the movement to the United States, Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, Islamophobia is soon to be a topic on everyone's agenda. Personally, I think it is awful that just because some radical faction of a religion is committing terrorist acts in other countries, the entire religion is to blame. Not every single Muslim is a terrorist, yet the entire religion is receiving criticism for the actions of a very small percentage of the faith. Certainly other religions have religious fanatics who commit acts of lunacy against others, and historically religion has been the driving factor behind entire wars or conquest. Why today, when we live in such an 'accepting' society are we so unwilling to look past one religion's conservative views and accept it for what they are. Maybe we aren't ready for globalism on the scale it is on, or maybe Islam needs to undergo a reformation like the protestant reformation of Christianity, or accept differing degrees of followers, like Judaism does with reform, conservative and the orthodoxy. Either way, Muslim women will continue to suffer the 'humane' efforts that western Europe is making due to radical extremists who wish nothing else but to bring chaos into western society.

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